At our core we are committed to delivering exceptional support that enable our clients to have control over their energy costs.We take pride in offering comprehensive assistance and support to a diverse range of clients. While our expertise extends across all business consumers, we specialise in catering for the unique needs of Education and Property Management clients.We understand the challenges that many Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) Colleges, Universities and Independent Schools face in managing a variety of buildings within their portfolio. Through our specialised knowledge and experience we offer tailored solutions to support MATs and other educational facilities in their pursuit of managing energy costs and carbon footprint. For our Property Management clients, we recognise the complex nature of overseeing a diverse portfolio of clients and buildings and the unique challenges that encounters when faced with tendering for energy contracts or recharging tenants for communal supplies. Our team is well versed in the intricacies of these matters and our team provides the very best in support. Ginger Energy hold memberships with A.R.M.A.,I.W.F.M., A.D.E., CST & M.A.T.A. Click below for more information on key areas. Get in touch today to see how we can assist.

Energy can be a hige distraction, our solutions provide effective management of property portfolios to ensure property managers are left to concentrate on supplying core services.
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There is an ever-increasing imperative for education facilities to drive maximum value from supply contracts. Ginger Energy has an excellent track record in assisting education clients.
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Partnerships with trade organisations are really important to us. We want to ensure that your members receive the very best advice and care. Our services go beyond buying a contact, after sales care to ensure members are supported throughout the duration of the contract is as standard as is having a dedicated resource to deal with issues that may arise.
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