Ginger Energy Ltd:
Complaint Handling Procedure
Ginger’s business approach is to win and retain Customers through a comprehensively open and honest approach, always acting with integrity and adopting the very best industry standards.
It is our intention to prevent any circumstances where a Customer would wish to make a complaint.
We look to achieve this by ensuring that all our interactions with Customers are conducted in a fair and transparent manner and they are presented with products and services that meet their needs.
This procedure describes how Ginger Energy (Ginger) will deal with a Complaint made by a Customer or anyone who is served by the Company.
The process described below is documented in greater detail in an internal Complaints Procedure, and the purpose of this document is to provide an overview of what will happen if a Complaint is received, and what timescales will apply.
This procedure and/or the full internal procedure (ref. OpPro_010) are available by email or post, at no charge, upon request.
How To Register a Complaint
Should a Ginger Customer wish to make a Complaint, they can contact us by:
Email: Any member of staff or a Director or
Web site: The Contact form on the Ginger website (
Ginger will at all times treat Complainants with courtesy and respect.
Energy Brokerage Complaints
In respect to Ginger’s energy brokerage services, the process conforms to the guidance issued by the Ombudsman Services Energy Broker ADR Scheme, and if a Complainant is dissatisfied by Ginger’s response, or the process has not been closed within eight weeks, then the Complainant is entitled to take the matter to the Ombudsman who provide an independent, impartial and free service.; Phone: 0330 440 1624 Email: Post: Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966, Warrington WA4 9DF.
Utility Re-charge Complaints
In respect to Ginger’s Billing Agent activity for multi-tenancy blocks, if any Complainant is dissatisfied with Ginger’s response, we would recommend that the matter is taken either to Citizens Advice ( electricity gas & water) who can offer independent, impartial and free advice, or if the matter is regarding heat network billing the Energy Ombudsman through their consumer channel
Complaint Handling Procedure
See below.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Ginger review all Complaints received on a quarterly basis to determine what steps can be taken to prevent further Complaints and improve Customer service.