Ofgem launches a review on standing charges for domestic customers
According to the industry watch dog, there has been a significant rise in standing charges over the last two years. The good news is you can have your say, as…
According to the industry watch dog, there has been a significant rise in standing charges over the last two years. The good news is you can have your say, as…
In a time of increasing concern over climate change and the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, governments around the world are taking proactive measures to combat this global…
Heat Network Losses and the Associated Costs Heat networks are district heating and communal development systems that uses a central boiler or other heat source to provide heat to multiple…
Ginger is delighted to announce the formation of a groundbreaking strategic alliance called TEEAM (Total Estate & Energy Asset Management). TEEAM brings together industry-leading organisations dedicated to driving the UK’s…
Ginger Energy is a member of the Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) but what exactly is decentralised energy? Decentralised energy is a term used to describe a range of different…
Ginger Energy provide many additional services for our procurement clients. For example our clients who are Property Owners, use our Billing Agent Services. The team produce invoices for gas, electricity,…
Billing Agents are professionals who work in various industries, including insurance, utilities, and finance. Their primary responsibility is to manage the billing and invoicing processes within an organisation. At Ginger…
We are often asked why the industry pays particular attention to the gas markets over electricity. The relationship between the cost of gas and the electricity market is complex and…
With the sharp rises in energy, we looked to alternative ways to reduce tariffs. Encouraging residents to use less, is all part of the mix but the reality is that…
The Global Energy Crisis resulted in the UK Government providing billions of pounds of Taxpayer’s money to provide additional support to energy consumers over the winter period to lower the…